Representation of Gay Relationships in Media

5 min readOct 17, 2020

In no way is this blog post journalism, like I have been taught. I am not telling a story, I’m telling every reader the importance of gay relationships in media and the false representation that they have been portrayed as over several centuries while not taking away the horridness of pedophilia in the Christian Religion. Let us be honest, every Christian Branch has had those Pedophile Priests and head of Denominations who prey on boys and girls of all minor ages.

I want to dedicate this small paragraph to tell all AMAB folks (people assigned male gender at birth) that this entire post will trigger dysphoria or dysmorphia and anger, so proceed with caution. Just know that you are not the audience and I respect you all. You are valid and wonderful human beings.

Image shows a crying person with tears of rainbow. What is written: “Things people do not choose: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Appearance, Disability, Mental Illness, Race — Things people do choose: To be an as*hole to people over things they cannot control.”

This all starts with a bible verse widely used about how Men may not lay with Boys. That is just a paraphrase from the internet Christians about how the bible states men cannot have sex with other men, because it is a sin. As you can all see, I clearly do not care about the bible, nor am I savvy with any verses. I treat a bible just as I would treat a historical fiction book. The verse states that any man who sleeps with boys, they mean people of the male sex who have not reached puberty, is a sin punishable by death by god himself.

However, you will see that the same priests and preachers who claim this very verse means people of the male sex who have started puberty cannot lay with people of the male sex who have started puberty and are around the same age. They allow their fellow priests and preachers to have sex with minors who are of either sex, though. They actively cover up any Pedophilia being done or deny that the person is sinful or deserves to be punished. The only person in that situation who is punished or humiliated is the victim.

Guess what this should remind everyone of? The very same thing has been happening since Christianity has been born. The very people who created this book were Pedophiles looking for power over those they oppress. They made the perfect tool to allow Pedophilia while murdering those of different faiths who disowned the very idea of laying with a minor. I am in no way saying it did not happen, but even more horrid sins started happening since the dawn of Christianity and many wealthy and powerful people got away with doing them.

I bring up the bible because it is a type of media. It is a book that was used as a tool to create a narrative for certain groups of people. It gave power to White Christians who were Wealthy and took away power from White Christians who were poor, of the female sex, minors, or seen as existing against their god. Many people today have this same power, because of this very piece of media that is woven into our society, are using all these very same tactics in their writing and art to paint minorities as evil.

Being a minority does not mean a small group of people within an already exist population. When one says “minority” they mean a group of people with limited power in a society. People of the female sex are considered a minority. They make up about half of the population but are still treated as the lesser power. People of the male sex have always been seen as superior in strength since colonialism began and imperialism scourged the Earth, ruining entire cultures by genocide.

So, when I see gay relationships being painted in front of me as two men taking power over a woman of the female sex so she can be their baby factory, I look at the author, horrified this even occurred. Who are the ones actually doing this? Cisgender Heterosexual White Men have been doing this for centuries! They have been doing this since way before Christianity became a tool for power.

Another narrative is of a gay man, of the male sex, is always looking for straight men to take power over. When a straight man claims rape, it is usually* because they fear being gay themselves. It is that narrative that being Gay or LGBTQ+ in any way is a sin and punishable by death. It is a Narrative that says being Gay is evil and means you are a pedophile and a rapist.

*Every human being is capable of doing atrocities to other human beings. This does not mean that anyone who claims to be related to that person, no matter group, family, or otherwise, agrees with that person or has that person’s ideology. That is just plain wrong. The word usually is prevalent here.

It is disgusting when I call this out and other people come after me saying all of this is allowed. Yes, and they even say, “gay people can be evil too”. Well no shit gay people can be abusive, but, when that is most of the representation gay people themselves are receiving, it turns into an actual narrative. LGBTQ+ people should not have to go back into hiding again because you have no idea the consequences of showing a human being as less than the very dirt under your feet does to an entire group of people. Especially when that narrative is so widespread, one ounce of trend on the subject regresses the entire country or world policy wise. What does it do to an entire population of humans? What is it that you do that makes us all scared of you? You actively set narratives that makes us what we are not; evil and selfish as a whole.

Gay people do not exist to make women of the female sex baby factories. White Heterosexual Men of the Male Sex made this narrative to show authority over all of people of the female sex and women/enbies of the male sex.

Stop portraying gay people, and especially gay men, as your public enemy. They are not your objects on the ladder of Oppression Olympics to be your playthings. They are actual human beings hurt by centuries of the same narrative sang repeatedly.

*Cisgender Heterosexual people are not allowed to write stories about gay people. You are not allowed to write stories about transgender people. You are not allowed to write stories about LGBTQ+people in general. All you do is taint our culture with your blood-stained fingers. And again, you will be the cause of genocide to an entire group of people without thinking about the consequences of your actions.

*This bit of editing is an addition for those who may be offended, of either community, that I made this point at all. When the majority makes stories about a minority, especially one they have do not experience in their day to day lives, they do not understand the impact their words or the actions of their characters have on the narrative.

**I have come around a second time to edit more. In light of my ignorance, I have decided to change my wording from the still prevalent slur “Queer” to the word “Gay” or LGBTQ+ (depending on context). I hope any who have read this before the second edit will come at this with the understanding I made a mistake, whether you personally view it as one or not. I apologize for my ignorance.




Goth in life style and proudly trans by nature.