1 min readMay 29, 2020


White Noise (Poetry1)


One of the hardest steps in getting some good rest is relaxation. You may not find it until the moment is best, but at least you’ll get some good night’s sleep for the test.
You can dream of math, one plus two is three. Or you could dream of death.
The nightmare spirals down into hell. Maybe you’ll find aunt Mel?
You see the devil. You wonder if he can speak. Will you have to sneak? They can be your friend, so maybe you’ll be able to seek something more valuable.

As you search, you find friendship. In the deep darkness, you find others like you. New hope springs in your chest and shines like a crest.
It could be your destiny to bring that light into custody. And then maybe the ones above you will show you more mercy.

Because you can't fly, you are stuck looking at the sky.
You stare at the moon as it makes you swoon.
And you only wish someone would join your sleepless night.
You close your eyes, becoming one with the creatures of the twilight.
You wonder if they will come at midnight.
And if they will be kind, just for old time's sake.




Goth in life style and proudly trans by nature.